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Uploaded from the Photobucket iPad App

Uploaded from the Photobucket iPad App


Uploaded from the Photobucket iPad App

Uploaded from the Photobucket iPad App

Uploaded from the Photobucket iPad App

Uploaded from the Photobucket iPad App

Uploaded from the Photobucket iPad App

Uploaded from the Photobucket iPad App

Uploaded from the Photobucket iPad App

Uploaded from the Photobucket iPad App

Uploaded from the Photobucket iPad App

Uploaded from the Photobucket iPad App

Uploaded from the Photobucket iPad App

Uploaded from the Photobucket iPad App

Uploaded from the Photobucket iPad App

Pics via Columbine Smille, Stockholm Streetstyle, Victoria Tornegren, inside am-lul's closet, Fashion Squad, The Man Repeller, Maffashion...

4 comentários:

  1. I always feel like I look bad in hats, this post definiteely made me want to go try one out again!


  2. Gosto imenso de chapéus...
    boa selecao de imagens. gosto sobretudo da blogger da ultima foto eheh
    adoro usar chapéu e acho fantástico que aqui no Porto ainda fique tudo a olhar como se fosse algum acessório extravagante. Não sentes isso?:) bj

  3. Gosto muito de chapéus e adoro estes que escolheste.

